DirWiz News

Why we cannot sign your license/support agreements.

2017-06-10 15:45:46

On occasion, our customers have requested we sign their own legal documents before a sale can be completed. We have had every type of document imaginable: support agreements, privacy agreements, anti-whistle blowing statements, license agreements and the list goes on.

Agreeing to these legal documents affect our company in two ways:

  1. As a rule all documents signed by our company must be reviewed by legal counsel. In most cases the legal fees alone surpass the cost of the sale. We would lose money before product is delivered.
  2. Each of these documents invariably create one-off rules in how we interact with you the customer. This is an untenable situation for our support department by getting mired down in so many rules. We would not be able to provide the excellent customer service you have come to expect.

For these reasons we cannot sign your legal document for product sales or maintenance renewal.

To mitigate our legal fees we continually update our License Agreements with each new major release of our software. We review customer feedback and generalize these ideas into our next revision of our agreement. This has worked successfully with our 200+ customers over the past 13 years. A current copy of each of our agreements can be found below. Each agreement is basically the same with a few adjustments for each product:

“We didn’t sign a license agreement with you”
You are correct, you did not sign the actual document but accepted the agreement as part of the software installation process. This is a requirement of all our product installs.

“We’ll just send back a marked up version of the license agreement.”
We cannot accept a modified agreement for all the above reasons.

“Our document is just for the purchase of the product or service”
Please note, this does not apply for most purchase/payment agreements which have terms like Net 30 etc.