DirWeb - The story of the tiny web server.
2017-06-10 15:49:38Some years ago we moved all of our products off of a native GUI to a web based approach. This was a huge leap for our products allowing remote administration and configuration. For those of us who have configured IIS for CGI applications this can be a bit of an involved process.
We found that a lot of our customers evaluating our software wanted to see the product without the hassle of configuring a full web server. Enter DirWeb, a tiny HTTP server (37kb!) that listens on only (port 8080).
Located in the /bin directory of all of our Linux and Windows products, you can execute this from the command line and have a temporary web server start and automatically open a web browser to our product. In this way you can jump right in and start using the product without any extra system configuration.
If you have any ideas for new products or even tiny utilities, let us know! support@dirwiz.com