Dealing with email trojan zip attachments
2017-06-12 15:48:26Here at Directory Wizards we run Linux as our desktop of choice. While no security is perfect, this configuration all but eliminates the risk of being affected by virus-infected Windows executables.
Those crafty attackers are now compressing infected Windows executables as a zip file attached in fake attention grabbing emails: failed shipments, large fake bank transfers, bogus airline tickets etc. For a Linux user, it’s darned annoying to get these emails all the time.
After quite a bit of research, I found that it’s usually a single file (chm, scr, doc, js, exe) contained in the zip file. Failing to find a way for procmail to filter this, I did what every good programmer does, I wrote a program to detect these files.
Below is a program that parses the message looking for a zip attachment containing a single file. If found, it adds X-Zip-Trojan: yes to the message headers. From there, procmail can pick it up and act accordingly. For this to work you need Perl, Archive::Zip and MIME::Parser.
I offer no warranty for the following code.
use File::Temp;
use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS );
use MIME::Parser;
sub has_trojan_zip
if ($head->recommended_filename=~/\.zip$/i)
open FILE,">",$fname || die $!;
print FILE $_[0]->bodyhandle->as_string;
close FILE;
my $zip=Archive::Zip->new($fname);
if ($zip->numberOfMembers==1)
return 1 if $members[0]=~/\.(chm|scr|doc|js|exe)$/i;
return 0;
my $parser = new MIME::Parser;
$entity=$parser->parse(\*STDIN) or die "parse failed";
my $flag=0;
foreach my $part ($entity->parts)
$flag=1 if has_trojan_zip($part)==1;
$head->add('X-Zip-Trojan','Yes') if $flag==1;
/etc/procmailrc recipe snippet
#Check for zip trojans mark with X-Zip-Trojan
:0 B
* ^Content-Type: (application/zip|application/x-zip-compressed);
:0 fbhw
| /usr/local/bin/
# Delete if it has a trojan zip.
* ^X-Zip-Trojan: Yes