Profiler v5.1 Released
2017-06-10 16:37:33Many thanks to all who provided invaluable feedback to further enhance Profiler. Here are the highlights:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed photo display issue in Internet Explorer.
- Set default binary object size to 102400 for attributes with no size definition in the schema.
- Alternative template selection was not being recognized. Everything used the default template. Custom templates for profiler.cgi can now be created and used.
- Blank macro values are now supported.
- Country settings now propagate to the outlook address view.
- DN Attributes (manager, seealso etc) can now be formated with a config option found in config.cgi/General/DN Attribute Format.
- Support for Microsoft time/date style attributes (account expiration) has been added.
- Added crash.log functionality for debugging purposes.
- You no longer need to specify individual servers for each domain controller (and GC). By setting the host to automatic, Profiler will seek out the nearest server available.
- Template enhancements:\master.js and master.css have been moved to the individual template directories. Rather than being in \profiler\cgi\templates they are now in the custom template directories: \profiler\cgi\templates\default.
- favicon.ico is now supported and should be installed in the custom template directory \profiler\cgi\templates\default.
- Profiler can now view/use non-child domains in a forest. All searches can be done to child domains as well as non-child domains. No extra configuration necessary. Reverse DNS support is no longer required for Profiler to auto-discover a forest.