Syncing from scratch after an Ex55 to Ex2000 Migration

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2017-05-01 11:18:38
Tags: UnitySync

If an Ex55 source or destination directory is migrated to Ex2000, you will need to modify your connections to compensate for this change.

The quick and easy solution is to create a new connection to sync to/from this EX2000 destination. Then, run a first time sync to populate each directory from scratch. This sync from scratch solution is detailed below. If instead you migrate your synced Ex55 objects to the new Ex2000 directory, and you want UnitySync to link to them, youll need to [[312|use a Create/Join to allow your connection to link to the previously synced contacts]].

NOTE://It is highly recommended you initially set up the necessary connections and [[841|run a few test syncs on only a few contacts]]. In doing so, you can test mail delivery and reply-ability to confirm successful results before resuming syncs of all contacts to the new ex200x domain. Pay particular attention to reply-ability. It may be necessary to [[289|customize X500 or legacyexchangedn mappings]]. Contact [[|]] if you need assistance customizing your mappings//.

===To Sync from scratch:===

In this example, well assume you are using two connections to do a bi-directional sync between two Ex5.5 directories. In the following example we will refer to the directories as Ex55a and Ex55b. Well assume Ex55b is being migrated to Ex2000.

====Replacing connection A (Ex55a to Ex55b) with a connection to sync to Ex2000====

Create a new SimpleSync connection with a destination type of ActiveDir-Contact (mail enabled))

If you were using a custom map file for connection A, you will need to create a new custom map file for this new connection, then reapply the customizations. You can NOT use the original custom map file. The original custom map file is designed to create Ex55 objects.

If you were using Placement DN to define the destination location to sync to, you will need to adjust the syntax to identify the new Ex2000 directory. Click Doc for complete syntax information included in the Administrator’s Guide.

Go through each of the other configuration tabs and set the connection up appropriately: Attribute Filters, Display Name Format, etc).

You may use the exact same Exclude.txt as the original Ex55 to Ex55 connection.

====Replace connection B (Ex55b to Ex55a) with a connection to sync from Ex2000====

Create a new SimpleSync connection with a source type of ActiveDir/Ex2000.

If you were using a custom map file for connection B, you will need to create a new custom map file for this new connection, then reapply the customizations. You can NOT use the original custom map file. The original custom map file is designed to sync from an Ex55 source.

If you were using Advanced/Selection to define the source ou to sync from, you will need to adjust the syntax to identify the new Ex2000 directory. Click Help on the Advanced tab for complete syntax information.

Go through each of the other configuration tabs and set the connection up appropriately. (Attribute Filters, Display Name Format, etc).

Edit the Exclude.txt. Add the appropriate excludes to your Exclude.txt. These excludes may be different than your original Ex55a to Ex55b connections as your source is now Ex2000.

====Run or Simulate each connection====

We strongly recommend you run a Simuation prior to running an actual Sync.

Unsync the Ex55b to Ex55a connection.

Sync Ex55a to Ex2000

Sync Ex2000 to Ex55a

You can check the log file and the destination directories to verify the correct objects were synced to the correct locations.

====Update automated Scripts==== You must change your batch script to call the two new Ex2000 connections instead of the original Ex55 connections.


  1. Directify - Self Service

  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
  1. emPass - Sync
  1. Profiler
  2. SimpleSync