Intermitent O365 sync error - shell was not found
Created: 2016-06-13 10:08:30Modified: 2017-06-04 17:34:33
Tags: Office 365 Troubleshooting UnitySync
Your Sync has run run successfully on previous occasions. Later, a follow up Sync fails with this error.
Processing data for a remote command failed with the following error message:
[ClientAccessServer=Server1,BackEndServer=Server2,RequestId=<>,TimeStamp=4/8/2014 3:42:44 PM]
[FailureCategory=WSMan-InvalidShellID] The request for the Windows Remote Shell with ShellId <>
failed because the shell was not found on the server. Possible causes are: the specified ShellId is
incorrect or the shell no longer exists on the server. Provide the correct ShellId or create a new
shell and retry the operation. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic.
Microsoft has identified the cause for this error. Refer to this Microsoft Support KB article ( for more information.
In the case of your UnitySync connection, first try to re-run the Sync to see if the problem reoccurs. If you see the error again, please contact your AD/O365 administrators.