Using folders to organize multiple connections

Created: 2021-02-23 11:47:13
Modified: 2021-02-23 11:48:03
Tags: Features UnitySync

Example of folder structure under /UnitySync/connections:

Each connection created will add a sub folder under the UnitySync install \connections directory.

c:\UnitySync\Connections\DirA Users to Hub c:\UnitySync\Connections\DirB Users to Hub c:\UnitySync\Connections\DirC Users to Hub

c:\UnitySync\Connections\Hub Contacts to DirA c:\UnitySync\Connections\Hub Contacts to DirB c:\UnitySync\Connections\Hub Contacts to DirC

With multiple connections, you may find it helpful to organize the connections into unique folders. Such as connections that sync INTO the HUB and Connections that sync OUT from the HUB.

CREATE a NEW connection in a folder

In the UI, click NEW as usual. When prompted, specify the desired folder and name using this format:

IN/DirA Users to Hub
OUT/Hub Contacts to DirA

Note: The syntax requires forward slash ( / )

RENAME an existing connection

  1. In the UI, select the connection.
    i.e. DirA Users to Hub
  2. On the General tab, click the Rename button.
  3. When prompted, specify the desired folder and name using this format:

New name: IN/DirA Users to Hub

The name portion can be the same as the original, but is not required.

Note: The syntax requires forward slash ( / )

RENAME MULTIPLE existing connections from File Explorer

  1. First, be sure to close any open connection files (i.e. logs)

  2. We’ll use the same connections shown in the above Example of folder structure section

  3. In File Explorer, under UnitySync/Connections, create the desired sub folders

  4. Now move (drag/drop) each of the existing connection folders to one of the new sub folders. i.e.

    c:\UnitySync\Connections\IN\DirA Users to Hub
    c:\UnitySync\Connections\OUT\Hub Contacts to DirA
  5. Re Open the UI. You should see the list of connections now shows the separation per sub directory.


  1. Directify - Self Service

  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
  1. emPass - Sync
  1. Profiler
  2. SimpleSync