UnitySync licensing for on-the-fly Disaster Recovery

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2024-09-25 15:10:16
Tags: Licensing & Keys UnitySync

For information on basic UnitySync licensing, refer to How is UnitySync Licensed. Included in basic licensing is the ability to request a Key Change in order to change the host (serial number) of your UnitySync server. Key Change requests may take up to a full business day, but are typically fulfilled within 24 hours.

On-the-Fly Disaster Recovery would require the purchase of additional licensing to allow immediate fail over to a licensed UnitySync installation.

As an example, lets say you are licensed for one installation of UnitySync.

In this example, you own one install of the UnitySync software with 5 directory licenses. If the UnitySync server became unavailable, you’d have to send a Key Change Request to have your key changed to allow you to run UnitySync on an alternate server. (The new key is provided and the original key is disabled).

If you want real time UnitySync server fail over capability, you’d have to purchase a 2nd copy of the UnitySync software. In doing so, you will have a unique license key for each install. So if the need arose to run UnitySync from the alternate location, you already have the key, so can proceed without delay. Note, this 2nd install would be granted the same number of directories you already own. Purchasing additional directories is not necessary.

In either case, to ensure a smooth fail over of the UnitySync server, you should do a periodic zip backup of the UnitySync installation directory.

This backup zip file then contains the complete install files and configuration information. It should be copied off the primary server so it is not lost in the event of a complete loss of the server.

When needed, the most recent zipped backup will be unzipped on the backup server. If you already have a license key for that install, you are ready to go. If not, send the old and new serial numbers to keys@dirwiz.com

Please contact support@dirwiz.com for any technical questions or sales@dirwiz.com with any questions about purchasing and pricing.


  1. Directify - Self Service

  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
  1. emPass - Sync
  1. Profiler
  2. SimpleSync