File Access Errors: File or Permission Denied, Bad File Descriptor, Permissions error on config.xml, config.txt, blank UI landing page or other ambiguous ‘non save’ type problems or

Created: 2012-04-20 08:09:59
Modified: 2023-08-18 10:15:55
Tags: Directify Errors Troubleshooting UnitySync

In your web browser, the utility is throwing errors such as Insufficient Permissions, Access denied or other ‘non save’ type errors. The browser may also open the UI, but the page is blank.

Also, attempts to execute connections may fail at startup, or during the connection run. Or via scheduled task.

There may be several reasons for this behavior. Below, find a list of possible reasons and/or troubleshooting steps you can try before contacting Support for assistance.

1) Open your browser or CMD prompt ‘As Admin’

2) File Permissions

When the installation runs, it should installs it’s \Directify or \UnitySync files and directories with file permissions set as Everyone - Full Control.

If these permissions are changed, this may affect access to Directify or UnitySync files.

NOTE: It is possible for the permissions to have been changed accidentally, perhaps by forcing inherited permissions down the tree where the software is installed. Go to the Properties of the install directory and re-assign Full Control to Everyone.

Another common way for permissions to be changed is if you Copy the install directory or even portions of it. This may be done for backup purposes, to upgrade or perhaps to install parallel versions of the software for the same domain. In any case, a copy/paste of the directory or individual files and folders may not copy the exact file permissions from the original install directory. In this case, you also need to go to the install directory and re-assign Full Control to Everyone.

Detailed instructions for reassigning Full Control to Everyone on a directory:

  1. In Explorer, view Properties of the Directify or UnitySync install directroy (i.e. \Directifyor \UnitySync). #Go to the Securities tab.
  2. Click Group/User name ‘Edit’.
  3. Click Add.
  4. Type ‘everyone’ in the ‘Names to select’ box and click Check Names.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Select the new ‘Everyone’ user and enable Full Control.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Return to the usual Directify config url or UnitySync General tab and reload the page. Verify if this fixed the error.

Note: if assignment of ‘Everyone’ resolves the problem, this confirms the permissions were indeed causing the error. You may then revise permissions to identify users or a group you’d like to have access (rather than everyone).

3) Trusted Sites

If using Dirweb, try adding localhost and to the Trusted Sites under the Explorer properties Security tab. If using IIS, try adding the US server to the Trusted Sites.

4) Server Login

Sometimes, permissions will prevent anyone but the Administrator or user who installed the software to access the folders. Try logging into the server using the same account that was logged in when the software was installed. Also, try opening the browser as an Administrator.

In either case, if this helps with your issues then going through Step 1, above, should help with future access. The software may not work properly without permissions granted as shown by that step.

We recommend installing using Administrator when installing, when running DirWeb.exe and when running the browser to the UI

5) Integrated Authentication

Pertaining to IIS, check your server permissions (IIS) and try turning off Anonymous access and turning on Windows Authentication. Refresh your page and verify you no longer have file save issues.

If you continue to have difficulties, contact


  1. Directify - Self Service

  2. Mimic - Replication

  3. UnitySync - Sync
  1. emPass - Sync
  1. Profiler
  2. SimpleSync